Monday, April 12, 2010

Wrap Up For Leviticus 11-14

The Book of Leviticus contains nothing but priestly legislation, yet it is not simply a jumble of laws. It has an order to it- an order that reveals much about Israel’s religious practices. One thing is certain- these are not the customs of the time in the desert but rather an entire code of conduct for priests and Levites who serve at the temple in Jerusalem.
The taboo laws on diet and sickness show that Israel’s idea of proper worship was not limited to the temple. These restrictions apply to people in everyday life and make every moment fitting for the praise of God. Similar customs are found in other cultures throughout the ancient world. Many of the individual taboos against animals are very ancient and may be rooted in primitive experience with dangerous eating habits. Many experts believe that the risk of trichinosis from eating undercooked pork may have played a role in rejecting the pig. In the same way, the contagious nature of certain skin rashes and sores may have led to quarantining victims. Priests made these kinds of decisions and so medical problems gained religious status.
But such explanations are not enough to fully understand the thinking of Israel on the subject. The extensive list of animals contains many that would pose no risk to the eater. In fact a close look at the total division of animals in Chapter 11, reveals a pattern based on Genesis 1. God has given an order to the world by establishing plants in the ground, birds in the air, fish swimming in the seas and animals that graze. All the forbidden foods in Leviticus fall under failures to this Divine order. Creatures living in the sea that have no fins or scales are taboo because they walk on the bottom as animals would on land; birds that do not fly are forbidden; animals that do not graze are to be avoided. What does it teach us? It teaches us that the basic outlook of Israel toward food was not just to gain nourishment but also to reflect God’s goodness in creation. What one ate was highly symbolic of what one believed. Novatian teaches that forbidden foods were banned simply as a way of rendering homage to God; thus it is good to be frugal in easting and drinking.
As regards Circumcision, the Church sees a connection- a prefiguring of Baptism. The Navarre commentary states that the fact that Circumcision was done on the eighth day after birth was significant.
The connection of sex with divine worship actually has its origins in many ancient Middle Eastern Cultures. The coming to birth of a new being is always a sign of God’s blessing. Remember, that the Hebrews were a tribal society and the primary responsibility of men and women was the continuation of the species – procreation and the continuation of the family and the race. Procreation was highly regarded in the Mesopotamian culture. In Genesis, God commands the first couple to increase and multiply. Human procreation was always considered sacred. Man’s abuse of sexual faculties for mere pleasure was always considered a rejection and profanity of the Divine. Sexuality has always been wrapped in mystery. It is when the divine mystery is stripped away to exalt the mere physical function that sex becomes profane.
The notion that women were inferior to men had nothing to do with women’s capabilities or gifts, as modern day feminists would have us believe. It has it’s origin in a misinterpretation of the first sin- Original Sin, in which Eve sinned first and then convinced Adam to do the same. The fact that there existed different kinds of purification indicated that women were held in high esteem as far as the family went. Spiritually, they were considered weaker or inferior. It had nothing to do with intelligence or abilities.
Leprosy was a horrible, widespread and insidious disease in these times. It was also infectious and had to be kept from spreading. Lepers were shunned and isolated from the general populace. Leprosy was also considered a sign of separation from God. The curing of lepers by Jesus was a sign of how much compassion he had for them. It shows and teaches us many things – one of which the uncleanliness of the body as well as the soul can be cured by the love and compassion of God. The story of St, Francis and the Leper, teaches us compassion for all fellow human beings and that deformity and uncleanliness exists only in our eyes not God’s – if only we trust in Him.

One day while riding through the countryside, Francis, the man who loved beauty, who was so picky about food, who hated deformity, came face to face with a leper. Repelled by the appearance and the smell of the leper, Francis nevertheless jumped down from his horse and kissed the hand of the leper. When his kiss of peace was returned, Francis was filled with joy. As he rode off, he turned around for a last wave, and saw that the leper had disappeared. He always looked upon it as a test from God...that he had passed.


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