Friday, October 23, 2009

Discussion Questions for Exodus 14-15

1. Why is the passage of the Red Sea, considered to be more important that the death of the First born as a feat of God for his people?

2. Discuss in detail how the account of the Red Sea bear traces of the great Jewish traditions?

3. What anthropomorphism should come as no surprise to us in Chapter 14? Why?

4. Compare Moses in his new role as mediator between God and the people with Jesus, as depicted in the Letter to the Hebrews.

5. What IN YOUR OPINION, is the main effect of the crossing of the Red Sea had on the Israelites? Do you agree with the commentary in the book?

6. How do we know that the victory anthem in Exodus 15:1-21 is one of the oldest hymns of Israel? What clue tells us this? Why does it appear in Exodus?

7. What can you tell us about the use of the word “Yah” in the victory anthem?

8. Why and how does God put the Hebrews to the test during the first stage of their sojourn in the wilderness?

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