Friday, October 9, 2009

DIscussion Questions for Exodus 8-11

Discussion Questions
Chapters 8-11

1. The third plague of gnats is significant for several reasons. Please name them.

2. Some of the plagues are attributed to what is called the “Priestly Source” and others to the “Yahwist Source” – what does this mean? (Note: You may have to do a little research!)

3. How does Moses’ role in his confrontation with Pharaoh demonstrate that he is a type of Christ? (Answer is not in your Commentary). Just use some deductive reasoning.

4. How does the Sacred Author of Exodus emphasize the “separateness of the Hebrew people,” especially in the account of the Plagues?

5. Explain how the seventh plague, the hailstorm, can be called a “Theophany.” What is the hailstorm meant to demonstrate?

6. The plague of the hailstones is later recalled in two other books of the Bible. What are they and what are the accounts meant to tell us?

7. The ninth plague of darkness is mentioned in the Book of Wisdom. How does Wisdom interpret darkness?

8. Explain how the plagues found their way into other books of the Bible and became part of the history of Israel. Explain how the accounts of the plagues became part of the celebrations of the Passover.

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